Get to Know Us

We're more than just the Auckland Dream Centre. Our impact spans worldwide through the Dream Centre Network, and locally through our Youth Care Services mahi and connections with local organisations throughout Auckland.

Dream Centre logo

NGO - Charitable Trust

The Auckland Dream Centre serves as a resource centre focused on finding solutions to homelessness, hunger, and the lack of education through residential and community outreach programs and various mentorship programmes within schools and in collaboration with NZ Police youth aid referrals. A Large focus of our mahi also includes wrap around youth care services in partnership and supported by Oranga Tamariki.

Kingdomcity logo

Auckland Partner

Weekend Services
Every Sunday, 9 am, 11 am and 4pm
Location: 2-20 The Warehouse Way, Northcote, Auckland

Auckland Dream Centre Directors are part of the team at Kingdomcity Auckland and champion the work of Community Transformation. As an organisation we partner with local churches and various business communities who believe they can collectively help equip and influence community transformation with our community initiatives like Adopt-A-Block.

Visit Kingdomcity Auckland

DC Network logo

The Dream Centre Network now collectively consists of 84 Dream Centres around the world, including centres in 29 states of the U.S.A. and 11 different countries. With a vision to transform the world, each Dream Centre strives to provide the help and resources to individuals and communities in need. The Dream Centre Network continues to grow each year, reaching thousands of people across the globe. For more information on the Dream Centre Network, visit

It is a great honour and privilege to be associated with Andrew and Moira Brown and the Auckland Dream Centre, an affiliate of the Los Angeles Dream Center. The Browns are truly great people of integrity and passion for reaching hurting people with the love of Jesus. It is the very reason we placed them in New Zealand to found and build a Dream Center.

~ Tommy Barnett, Co-Founder, L.A. Dream Center 

Visit The DC Network

NZ Founders and Directors

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Andrew & Moira Brown

Andrew and Moira are passionate about community transformation and are dedicated to serving people. We get to partner with corporate business and local churches to work together and impact Aotearoa and South Pacific Gateway.

Board of Trustees

Andrew Brown 

Moira Brown 

Janice Peautagi-Su'a 

Claire Anderson 

Ashley Andersen